Speco Blue App receiving too many motion notifications

Some users report receiving an unnecessarily large amount of motion notifications to the Speco Blue App. There are multiple factors that can play into this. Here are ways to help decrease the amount of motion notifications received.

To explain as simply as possible, motion detection works by detecting a change in pixels in the cameras image. Any change in pixels can count as motion.  A gust of wind that moves a tree branch can change pixels.  A bird flying in the background can change pixels. A light turning on in the scene will change darker pixels into lighter pixels. The camera activating IR mode at night and changing its image from color to B&W is a change in pixels. There are too many factors to list that can cause an unnecessary motion event. Again, to emphasize, any change in pixels can count as motion.

Here is how to help decrease the motion notifications.

Decrease motion sensitivity & increase duration.

  • Go to the Speco Blue Recorder that is giving out the motion notifications.
    • First, go to the Settings menu of the Speco Blue Recorder.


  • Once the Settings menu appears, please select the Motion option under Camera settings.

  • This will open the Motion settings page. Please refer to the image below. Yellow highlights where the camera can be selected. Red highlights the Sensitivity and Duration options.
  • Please select the camera that needs adjusting from the list.

If motion detection is too sensitive:

  • Decrease the Sensitivity number by one. Hit Apply in the bottom right corner. Go to the Live camera screen of the recorder. Verify if the camera is still detecting motion when it shouldn't be. If motion is still occurring, the sensitivity is still too high for the background movement of the camera.
    • Please repeat the process. Decrease the Sensitivity number by one again and test until the camera is receiving less/no more false positives. (Depending on the environment, this may be a challenging/impossible task to get rid of all false detections. As stated earlier, there are too many factors to count that can cause motion to occur.)

If motion detection is fine, but too many events are being sent:

  • If it has been determined that there are no false positives, that would mean the motion sensitivity is right where it needs to be. The number of events being received would have to tie in with the events Duration. If the Duration is set to 20 seconds, that is how long the motion event will be called for. Once the camera detects motion, it will call for a motion event and will not be able to call another motion event for the next 20 seconds. In a constant scene of motion, this will lead to a motion notification being sent out every 20 seconds from that one camera.
    • Increasing the Duration will increase how long the motion event is called for. In a constant scene of motion, if the Duration was set to 1 minute, a motion notification can only be produced once per minute instead of every 20 seconds.

Initial submission Date: April 24, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti