How to view private/encrypted footage after exporting from a recorder

Most media players are unable to play private/encrypted file types. This guide explains how to view the private/encrypted footage.

Once the private/encrypted video has been exported, it should have exported 2 folders. One will be titled Play_from_USB, the other folder will be titled as a long string of random letters and numbers inside { } brackets. The folder named with a long string of random letters and numbers is the a private/encrypted video footage. The Play_from_USB folder contains a video player than can view these private/encrypted video footage.

Please verify the USB Flash Drive or storage device that was used it plugged into a computer. Please open the File Explorer on the computer and access the USB Flash Drive. Go to the file location on the drive where the video was exported to, this was chosen at the recorder during the video export process.

The two folders named earlier should now be visible.

  • Please open the Play_from_USB folder.

  • This opens the folder containing the video player. An application file named Speco Blue Player can be found. If you are running an old firmware version, there will be an application file named RPAS
    • Please open the Speco Blue Player or RPAS program.

  • Speco Blue Player will appear and have an option in the middle to Open Folder. Please select Open Folder
    • File Explorer will open. Please navigate back to the USB Flash Drive. Select the folder with the long string of random letters and numbers.

  • Once the private/encrypted file is selected. The program will load the video. An option should be made available under the left side Play List section.
    • Simply double-click the listed date under the Play List section. If during the export process it was selected to add a password to the video file, the program will ask for that password now. 
      • Once that password is inserted, or if there is no password, the video will start playing.

Initial submission Date: May 1, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti