How to setup Intrusion on a Speco Blue Recorder

This guide will go over the steps required to activate the Intelligent Analytics feature called Intrusion on a Speco Blue Recorder

Please Note - Depending on the model and/or firmware version of the Speco Blue recorder unit, the menu GUI may appear to have slightly different names and/or locations for the menu options than what is seen in this guide's reference pictures.

  • First, access the Settings menu of the Speco Blue Recorder.


  • Once the Settings menu appears, please select the AI / Event page. That should automatically open the Event Notification > Alarm Out page.

  • Towards the left side of the screen, and additional option titled AI Event can be found. Within the AI Event section, select the option for Perimeter Detection.

Please Note - If the recorder unit is an older model and/or is using old firmware, the option will instead be called People/Vehicle Detection.

  • Once selected, please ensure Intrusion is selected at the top of the page.
    • Select a camera at the top of the page with the Camera Name option.
    • Put a checkmark in the checkbox for Enable Detection by IPC. This will activate the Intrusion feature.
    • Click on the cameras image. Notice a dot appears. Clicking again in a different location will create a second dot, and a line connecting the 2 dots.  4 dots are required, a maximum of 6 can be created, but create a shape on the image using the dots. Double Click to close the shape and this will be the detection area. Anything entering or exiting this area will trigger an event.
      • Select Clear/Clear All to erase the dots/box if a mistake was made.
    • To the right of the image, an option for Schedule can be seen. It is set to a 24/7 schedule by default. This can be changed as per user preference.
    • The Duration determines how long the Intrusion event will last. This is set to 20 seconds by default. If the area is crossed multiple times within the set duration timeframe, it will only count as 1 instance of Intrusion.
    • The Area option allows the user to create multiple areas of detection. This can help increase overall coverage on an image.
    • Once the desired settings are set, select Apply.

  • Towards the top of the page, select the Detection Target option.
    • Next to the camera's image are a set of three options. Human, Motor Vehicle and Non-motor vehicle. These options include a Sensitivity slider in case it detects too much/not enough. A Checkmark next to each option can disable or enable each.
      • The Human setting will tell the camera to specifically detect humans.
      • The Motor Vehicle setting will tell the camera to specifically detect motor vehicles including cars, vans, buses and trucks.
      • The Non-motor Vehicle setting will tell the camera to specifically detect non-motor vehicles including bicycles and motorcycles.
    • Select Apply at the bottom when the desired settings are set.

  • Towards the top of the page, select the Trigger Mode option. This page goes over what happens to the camera/system once the Intrusion event gets triggered.
    • The left-most column is titled Trigger General. These are the main functions of a triggered event.
      • Snapshot will take a picture of the event and save it to the database.
      • Push will send an event notification to the Speco Blue Mobile app.
      • Buzzer will trigger the physical recorder unit to sound an alarm.
      • Pop-up Video will have a small video appear on the screen of the event.
      • Email will send a notification email to a registered email.
    • The Record column will determine which camera starts recording upon detection. By default, it is set to the selected camera, but multiple cameras can be set to recorder from one triggered event if the need arises.
    • The Alarm-out column will determine which, if any, external relays get triggered. This option is for any external sensors attached to the recorder/camera.
    • The Camera Name - Preset Name column will determine which camera preset gets triggered from the event, if any were previously configured.
      • Select Apply once the desired settings have been set.

Initial submission Date: June 19, 2024
Article authored by: Frank Bondietti