How To Reset Your Password for Speco Blue VMS

A step-by-step guide on how to reset your password to access the Speco Blue VMS program.

*** PLEASE NOTE - If this is the first time launching the Speco Blue VMS program, the default password information is located in the manual which was downloaded when the  installer package.***

There are several methods to resetting the password to the Speco Blue VMS program. Some methods can only be accessed if the original password is known and is just needing changing. Other methods are available if the password has been forgotten or lost and require a full password reset. This guide will go over each method.


Click below to choose any of the following methods.


Method #1 - Password is known.

Method #2 - Security Questions.                      (Password can be known or unknown)

Method #3 - Uninstall/Reinstall the program.                      (No Known Password)


Method #1 - Password is known.

  • Please open the Speco Blue VMS program and insert your username and password and select Login.
    • If Auto Login was previously selected, the program should open automatically once selected and skip to Login menu.

  • Once the program opens, an option for System can be found at the top right corner. Please select System and a menu will appear. Please select Modify Password from the menu.

  • That will open the Modify Password menu. Please insert the 'old' current password where it says Old Password. Then, insert the new password in the New Password line, and then type in the same new password in the Confirm Password line.
    • Please select OK when all lines are properly filled out.

  • Speco Blue VMS will now close itself and reopen. Once it reopens, insert the newly created password and it will accept it.

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Method #2 - Security Questions

*** Please Note - During first time setup of the program, it is an option to skip the security questions. If the security questions have been skipped, this method cannot be utilized. ***

  • Please open the Speco Blue VMS program and the Login screen should present itself.
    • Please select Reset Password.

  • The Reset Super Administrator Password screen will appear and pull up the questions that have been established when the program was initially downloaded.
    • Please answer each question and select OK at the bottom.

  • The Reset Password box will appear. Please insert a new password and confirm the new password. Once done, select OK at the bottom.
    • A message will appear that reads "Reset the ADMIN user password success!"

  • The initial login screen should appear. It will accept the newly created password.

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Method #3Uninstall/Reinstall the program.

  • At the bottom left corner of the computer's screen, please select the Windows search bar and type Add or Remove Programs and select the Add or Remove Programs option.

  • The App and Features page should open.
    • Scroll down and find Speco Blue VMS lite listed. Select it and press the Uninstall button.

  • This will initialize the Installation Wizard to uninstall the program.
    • Please confirm the deletion of the program and select Yes.

  • The next page will present several Uninstall Options.
    • Please put a checkmark in all three checkboxes to ensure the current password is wiped out. Select Next when done.
    • A progress bar will appear and go from 0% to 100%.

  • Once the progress bar is done, the Installation Wizard will confirm the uninstall has been completed. Select Finish at the bottom to close the Wizard. 
    • You may now reinstall the program, and the username and password will be defaulted.

*** For instructions on how to reinstall the Speco Blue VMS program, please follow THIS GUIDE *** link page once published

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Initial submission Date: April 24, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti