How to Playback & Export from the Speco Blue app

This guide will go over the steps required to view and export previously recorded footage from the Speco Blue mobile app.

  • Open the Speco Blue mobile app and set up the Live screen so it is viewing the camera that requires its video exported.
    • Towards the bottom right of the screen, select the film reel + play button icon, that is Playback button.

  • The Remote Playback page will appear. The bottom half of the screen will have all of the playback options required to view the necessary video.
    • The top of the menu has rewind/fast forward, play/pause and change camera options.
    • Underneath will have the date and time of the active playback video. Under the date and time will have a 24-hour timeline of the whole day.  The timeline can be swiped to move time forward or backward.
      • Blue on the timeline represents continuous recording
      • Orange on the timeline represents motion recording.
    • Underneath the timeline will be weekly dates. Tapping a new date will select it. Swiping on the dates will present a new week.
      • Dates with recorded data will be shown as blue.
      • Dates without recorded data will be shown as gray.
    • The bottom right corner of the screen will have a Calendar button. The calendar will pull up a whole month to select. The date and time can also be chosen from the calendar.

  • Once the desired date and time have been selected, tap on the camara. Icons will appear on the right-side of the image. Select the film reel + play button + scissors icon to begin exporting the video.

  • A new timeline will appear with a selection bar over it. Each side of the selection bar will have < > arrows. 
    • Swipe on the timeline to drag the time forward or backward. Pinch the timeline to zoom in or zoom out to see a larger selection.
    • Hold and drag the selection box < > arrows out to select the desired time on the timeline.
      • The Speco Blue app can only export a maximum of 30 minutes at a time.
    • Once the desired time has been selected, press the Start Download button at the bottom of the screen.
      • Underneath the timeline, on the right-side of the screen, a downward arrow will appear. Pressing that will reveal the download progress of the file.

  • Once the file has finished downloading, exit playback and go back to the Live screen. From the Live screen, select the button in the top-left corner. (Looks like a rectangle on 2 squares)
    • From the left-side menu, select File.

  • The File page will contain any downloaded footage. Tap on a video to start playing it.

  • At the bottom left of the video screen, a button can be found. (Looks like a sideways V)
    • Selecting that button will pull up a menu allowing the video to be saved directly to the phone or to be shared via text, email or other 3rd party apps.

Initial Publish Date: May 15, 2024

Published by: Frank Bondietti