This is a step-by-step guide on how to install the Speco Blue VMS Program on a PC
If the program has not yet been downloaded, please follow THIS LINK to be taken directly to the download page of the Speco Blue VMS program.
- Please select Download for Windows and fill out the form that appears.
- A download link will be sent to the email that was inserted on the form. Please open the email and select Download Now.
- A page will open and the download will begin.
- A folder named Speco Blue will download. When finished, please click into the folder until an application file titled Speco Blue VMS Lite x64 Ver#########is found. Please run the Speco Blue VMS Lite x64 Ver######## file.
(The "Ver########" shown above is to show the files name includes the programs version number. This number may change in the future as the program gets updated.)
- Running the file will initiate the Installation Wizard. The first screen to appear will ask what language the installer should appear as. Please select a language and press OK.
- A progress bar will appear and progress from 0% to 100%.
- Once the progress bar finishes, the Wizard will ask for a file destination. One is already inserted by default.
- Please ignore the Destination Folder option and select Next at the bottom.
- A progress bar will appear and progress from 0% to 100%.
- Once the progress bar finishes, the Wizard will confirm the completion of the download. Launch Software should be selected by default.
- Please select Finish at the bottom.
- The Speco Blue VMS program should now open and present the Login screen.
- The default Username is 'admin' and the default password is '1234'
- Select Login once both have been inserted.
- The next screen to appear will ask for Security Questions incase a password reset is ever needed. This option can be skipped but it is recommended to select the three questions and answer all three.
- If the questions have been answered, select OK. If the questions are going to be skipped, select Skip.
The program should now fully open. Speco Blue VMS has now been successfully installed and initiated.
*** For instructions on how to add a Speco Blue recorder to the Speco Blue VMS program, please follow THIS GUIDE. ***
Initial submission Date: April 24, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti