How to get rid of the Target Detection box in Full screen view - Speco Blue

This guide will go over the quick steps required to get rid of the Target Detection box to have a true full screen mode.

  • At the live camera screen, if the unit is already in full screen mode, please exit full screen mode. The option is available towards the top left corner of the screen, next to the date and time of the unit.

  • Now that the unit is outside of full screen mode, a small arrow should appear next to Target Detection. Click on the arrow and a small menu will appear.
    • Select any other option that is not Target DetectionCamera can be selected. Single Channel Sequences can be selected. Customize Layout can be selected.
      • As long as Target Detection is not selected, full screen will not have the sidebar.

  • Click the full screen button again, and the unit will enter full screen without a visible sidebar.

Initial submission Date: June 26, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti