How to get the Digital Deterrent alarm to follow a schedule.

Some Digital Deterrent camera alarms do not follow the schedule set in the recorder. Here is how to ensure the set schedule is adhered to.

Some of the cameras that may not follow the recorder's schedule:

O4TDD1M / O4BDD1M / DD1 / DD2

The user may notice after configuring a Digital Deterrent alarm from the recorder, and setting it to a schedule from the recorder, the alarm does not always obey the set schedule. To get a Digital Deterrent camera to follow a set schedule, the schedule would need to be created and set from the camera, not the recorder. This will require acquiring a connection to the camera and logging into it from a computer. Click HERE to go to a guide on how to connect to an IP camera from a computer. Below, you will find how to set a schedule for a Digital Deterrent alarm.

  • When logged into the camera and viewing the Live screen, a Config option can be found in the top left corner. Please select Config.

  • That will open the System settings page and automatically open the Basic Information section. On the left side menu, please select the option for Event.

  • That should expand the Event selection. From the additional selection that appears, please select Line Crossing or Intrusion. If Line Crossing was set at the recorder, please select Line Crossing; If Intrusion was set at the recorder, please select Intrusion.
    • This will pull up the Detection Config page. At the top, an option for Schedule can be found. Please select Schedule.
      • The schedule settings should now be seen. There are seven horizontal lines labeled for each day of the week. Sun-Sat. The orange color on the lines represents the time the alarm will be active. The white color on the lines represent the time the alarm will be inactive. The Erase and Add options in the top right will allow you to delete or add times on the schedule by clicking and dragging the mouse on the timeline.
        • Scroll down and select Save when done.

The Digital Deterrent alarm should now be following a set schedule.

Initial submission Date: April 24, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti