How to Factory Default a Speco Blue IP Camera

There are multiple methods to factory default an IP camera. Here is a guide explaining each method.


METHOD #1: Log into the camera from a web browser.

  • To log into the camera, a connection must first be established between the camera and computer.
    • For a guide on how to connect to an IP camera from a computer, CLICK HERE.
  • Once the connection has been established, log into the camera.

    • In the top-left corner, select the Config option.
      • This will open the configuration page of the camera where all other settings are available.

  • On the left-side menu, select Maintenance and then select Backup and Restore.
    • Under the Default Settings section, select Load Default.
      • The user can choose to keep the camera's network settings, security settings, and image settings if desired by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
    • Confirm the password of the camera and the default process will begin.


METHOD #2: Push the reset button on the camera.

  • Most Speco Blue IP cameras will have a physical reset button built into the camera. If the camera does have a physical reset button built into it, the Quick Start Guide for the camera should mention it.
  • To find a camera's Quick Start Guide, Go to our website,
    • At the top of the page, in the search bar, insert the model of the camera that needs to be reset. Hit ENTER on the keyboard to search.
    • The camera that was entered into the search bar should appear on the page.
      • Select the camera. That will open the main product page for the camera.
    • Scroll down until the option for Quick Start Guide can be found and select Quick Start Guide.

  • A diagram can be found on the Quick Start Guide showing the location of the reset button.
    • Some cameras have a physical button that can be pressed normally, some cameras have a pinhole-style reset button; a thin tool, like a paperclip will be needed.

Above are example images of the diagram. (Cameras used: O4D9 / O4T9 / O4B9M)

  • To reset the camera, press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds.
    • PLEASE NOTE - the camera needs to be powered and on for the factory default to work. A camera with no power cannot be reset.
  • The camera will begin a reboot process and will be fully reset once it comes back online.


METHOD #3 - Using an IP Scanner.

*** An Ethernet cable, as well as a computer with an Ethernet port are required ***

CLICK HERE if Speco Blue IP Scanner needs to be downloaded

  • First, verify what the camera needing connecting is plugged into.
    • It will either be plugged directly into the recorder unit, directly into the local network, or directly into an external switch. That external switch can then be plugged into either the recorder, or the network. Please verify the setup.
  • Plug the computer with the ethernet cable into the same switch that the camera in question is plugged into.
    • If the camera is plugged directly into a recorder, plug the computer into an available camera port of the recorder. If the camera is plugged directly into the local network, plug the computer into an available port on the router/modem of the local network. If the camera is plugged into an external switch, plug the computer into an available port on the external switch.
  • Once a connection has been established between a computer and the cameras, please pull up the Speco Blue IP Scanner tool to scan the cameras on the network.
  • Any cameras plugged into the switch that the computer is plugged into should appear on the IP scanner. More may appear depending on how the switch was configured.

  • On the right side of the screen, select the drop arrow next to Restore IPC Default Configuration.
    • The Restore IPC Default Configuration menu will appear and require a camera's MAC address to be inserted. Find the camera's MAC address on the list and insert it into the menu option.

  • Once the MAC address has been inserted, the camera will need to be rebooted within 30 seconds for the factory default to take effect. Please disconnect the camera from its power source and reconnect it.
    • After the reboot is complete, the camera should come back online with default settings.

Initial submission Date: May 30, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti