How to configure Secondary Output on a Speco Blue Recorder.

This guide will go over the steps requires to set up the Secondary Output to view cameras.

  • First, access the Settings menu of the Speco Blue Recorder.

  • Once the Settings menu appears, please select the System page. That should automatically open the Basic Settings > General Settings page.

  • At the top of the page, select Output Settings.
    • Select Secondary Output at the top of the Output Settings page.
      • Camera grid options are available towards the bottom of the screen.
        • Some recorders are only capable of Sequence views and will not have grid options to select.
      • A camera list is available towards the right of the screen.
    • Once the desired grid is selected, click and drag the camera names from the camera list into the empty grid squares. This will assign the cameras their positions.
      • Select Apply.

The assigned cameras should now appear on the secondary output monitor.

Initial submission Date: May 22, 2024
Article Authored by: Frank Bondietti