How to calculate which HDD size to use for your speco NR/HR recorder

Determining the appropriate HDD size for your NR/HR recorder involves using the HD storage calculator.


Step 1:

  • Visit the Speco Technologies Website
  • Navigate to the "Support" section on the website and select the option for downloading the Speco storage calculator directly or click here to download directly.

Step 2:

  • Launch the downloaded HD storage calculator (double click) to begin the calculation process.


Step 3:

  • After launching the calculator, complete the following fields to determine the HD size:
    1. Quantity (QTY)
    2. Resolution
    3. Encoding
    4. Frames per Second (FPS)
    5. Days of Storage
    6. Scene Type
    7. Motion Hours per Day


Initial Publish Date: May 2nd, 2024

Published by: Phil Benati, Tier 2