SecureGuard® CMS - Export Error Message

"Some Exports were unsuccessful: Export from [Recorder Name]:[Camera Name] failed with reason: Failed to move temporary file to export directory."

When exporting video on the SecureGuard CMS application some users may experience an error message during or after the video export process. After a camera, time and date are all selected and user presses the 'Export' button, a progress bar on the same menu underneath the 'Export Status' section will progress from 0% to 100%.

Users report while the progress bar is increasing, or once it has already reached 100%, an error message appears that reads:

Some Exports were unsuccessful:
Export from [Site Name]:[Camera Name] failed with reason: Failed to move temporary file to export directory.

It has been discovered that the cause of this error message is due to certain special characters being utilized in the sites name. 

To resolve this issue, while viewing live video, be sure that the 'Server/Sites' option is selected on the left side box. Right click on the site in question and select Edit. The 'Server/Sites Details' page will appear. At the top of that page you will find the option for Name. You will want to remove the bad special characters.

Bad Characters

/ * \ | : " < > ?

Good Characters

! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } ; ' , . 

Please note that not all special characters have been tested. If you see any special characters in the site name that are not listed, consider it to be a bad character.

Initial submission Date: April 3, 2024

Article authored by: Frank Bondietti