Speco Technologies Access Control Cards can have different functions based on the card type selected.
Step 1:
- Proceed to the Login Screen
Step 2:
- Click the “Access” Tab
- Click the “Card Holder” Tab
- Add Card

- Click “scan card” , then scan card on the reader to add the card.
Step 3.
- Select the Card Type
Descriptions of the different Card Types
- Relock will override and lock the door, during an Unlock Schedule.
- Relock will relock a door unlocked with E-Unlock or One Time Unlock Schedule.
- Relock will relock a door unlocked by Toggle or Passage card.
- Relock works for Server and Client doors.
- Toggle locks a unlocked door that was unlocked by Dashboard or any other means except a schedule.
- Toggle unlocks a locked door that was locked by any means except Threat Level or HazMat
- Must swipe twice within 2 seconds (double bump).
- Toggle can be used on In and Out Readers
- Toggle overrides Passage card
- Toggle ignores Door Contact
- Toggle ignores Anti-Passback and Tailgating
- Passage card type with valid access level, should E-Unlock a locked door or E-Lock an unlocked door except for scheduled unlocks.
- Passage card must be presented twice within 2 seconds (double bump) to lock or unlock door.
One time
- Card only works one time
- Card only works one time even if it fails
- Shows up on Lost Card page
- Can reset one time use from Lost Card page
Guard Tour
- The Guard Tour card type does not unlock the door.
- It will generate a log message “Guard Tour Checked” when credential is presented to reader.
- If the Guard does not have access, a "Denied Invalid Access Level" log message will be generated
- Guard can go in any order to doors
- Guard can repeat a door before finishing.
- Does not matter if door is open or unlocked.
- Guard Tour follows schedule.
Hazmat Unlock
- The Hazmat Unlock card will ONLY disable the Hazmat state. Users will now have to present their regular credentials to access the premises. REX should also not unlock the door while Hazmat state is active.
Note; If a person is in the HazMat room and the HazMat alarm is activated, the user CANNOT swipe out of the room using the "Hazmat Unlock" card.
- Latch Card locks or unlocks a door on single swipe.
Note: This card cannot be used as a normal access card.
Deadman Check
- Deadman Card is swiped at the Out Reader to reset timer.
Note: Deadman card does not grant access.
Date Submitted: 10/24/2024
Author: Curtis Armstrong, Tier 2